Cities After Dark was created during various states of lockdown due to the pandemic and tonight, with an array of night studies experts, we explore how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted the night-time economies of cities around the world and how Global Nighttime Recovery Plan can help.
This is the final episode of Cities After Dark. It is co-hosted by Shelby Bassett and Andreina Seijas with input from Alessio Kolioulis, Chrystel Oloukoi, Diana Reisailis, James Farrer, Michael Fichman, Robert Shaw, Su-Jan Yeo, and Will Straw.
Links and references
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A/Prof Alessio Kolioulis, Lecturer (Teaching) in Urban Economic Development at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London
Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
Chrystel Oloukoi, PhD Candidate at Harvard University
BBC 2020, ‘Coronavirus: Security forces kill more Nigerians than Covid-19‘, BBC News, 16 April 2020.
Prof Will Straw, Professor of Urban Media Studies at Department of Art History and Communications Studies, McGill University
Diana Raiselis, research fellow in residence with the Berlin Clubcommission and VibeLab, as a German Chancellor Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Global Nighttime Recovery Plan
Dr Robert Shaw, Geography Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University
Su-Jan Yeo, lecturer in the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) at University of British Columbia
Thompson, N. 2020, ‘COVID-19: Vancouver police shut down impromptu party on Granville Street‘, Vancouver Sun, 16 august 2020.
CBC Radio 2020, ‘New York couple takes date night to next level by dining on Brooklyn Bridge‘, CBC Radio, 14 August 2020.
James Farrer, Professor of Sociology and Global Studies at Sophia University
Farrer, J. 2020, ‘How are Tokyo’s Independent Restauranteurs Surviving the Pandemic?‘, Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus, vol.18, no.13.
Michael Fichman, Lecturer on Urban Spatial analytics and PennPraxis Researcher at University of Pennsylvania
Brockmeier, E. K. 2020, ‘Safely reengaging with nightlife and supporting the creative economy‘, Penn Today, 7 October 2020.
Agent of Change principle, Victoria State Government
Co-hosted by Andreina Seijas and Shelby Bassett
Written by Shelby Bassett and Kate Murray
Sound Design by Bec Fary
Produced by Kate Murray
Special thanks to Michele Acuto and Jennifer Dam