Into the night

As humans with our limited daytime vision, the night has long been understood as a time of danger and mystery. But today in cities with artificial lighting lining the streets the nature of night has changed. For some, it’s a time for celebration and entertainment. For others, it’s their regular work hours.

In this first episode of our six-part series, we talk with Robert Shaw, Chrystel Oloukoi, Alessio Kolioulis and Will Straw to unpack the night-time economy concept and look at some of the key issues in night-time governance.

Links and references

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Dr Robert Shaw, Geography Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University

London at Night – an evidence-based study for a 24-hour city

Studio N: Managing cities at night

Chrystel Oloukoi, PhD Candidate at Harvard University

A/Prof Alessio Kolioulis, Lecturer (Teaching) in Urban Economic Development at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London

Prof Will Straw, Professor of Urban Media Studies at Department of Art History and Communications Studies, McGill University


Co-hosted by Andreina Seijas and Shelby Bassett

Written by Shelby Bassett and Kate Murray

Sound Design by Bec Fary

Produced by Kate Murray

Special thanks to Michele Acuto and Jennifer Dam

Sounds of Venuzuela by almaclararadharani on Freesound